(Click on photos to enlarge)
Taking a break today from the runway fashion to reflect on female corsets. Just looking at these photos explains why women were considered the weaker sex. How could their liver and kidneys even function let alone try to eat ? No worry about muffin top with this crowd. However I must admit Dita Von Tease looks great in her corset (lower right photo) I don't think my waist was that small when I was five. Okay so maybe for five minutes it would be fun to see my waist that small-but really only five minutes, I enjoy eating too much.
Corset evolution has been happening for thousands of years, at least since the time of the Minoans- and that would be in and about 1700BC. Yes that's right BC. The Minoan artwork also depicts men as having tiny waists -so they too had a passion for corsets. Seems even before mirrors, humans had an image problem. If you haven't read my blog about male corsets check out "Corsets aren't they Dandy?" from last week.
As for today, if you want to smooth out the bumps and lumps, thank goodness for stretch in girdles. Wearing one of these 'sucker-uppers" can make a world of difference in how you look in your clothes. I'm am only going to promote one brand here, since it is made in the USA and I support jobs kept here . No-Nonsense offers several good choices that are worth trying. One style they offer even has a little butt lift. Best of all No Nonsense is very well priced, and they are available online or at the drug store.
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